"The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live."
-Auguste Rodin
The BackStory
Michael Fixel studied English at Columbia University in the early 70’s where he wrote many plays. His play Salamander Stew won numerous awards but was never put into production because it was deemed too difficult to stage. Fast forward 30 years when Michael decided to submit his play to the Strawberry One Act Festival and have his daughter Juliet produce and direct it. After several award winning productions of Salamander Stew, Michael decided to take a look back at his script for the sequel titled Snowdrift. After several rewrites Snowdrift was renamed Freefall Frostbite and became a play with music. He then submitted Freefall Frostbite to the NYC International Fringe Festival in 2013. Since that production people from the show along with other artists that have joined along the way have collaborated with Michael to create a script of which everyone is extremely proud.
After the script was complete David Oberst signed on to create a completely new score. David, through collaboration with Juliet Fixel and several others, developed a score inspired by Fleetwood Mac, MIKA, Pasek and Paul, and Ben Folds.
Juliet and David along with Janette Lynott and Xylina Golding ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to help bring this revamped version of Freefall Frostbite to the stage. The team was able to self-produce a production this past October at Theatre 80 at St Marks with the help of the Kickstarter campaign and several key donors. And ever since that production closed audiences have been raving!
“A script which later centuries look up to as a holy book.”